Low End Designer Reader Survey
- 2004.09.29
The Low End Designer needs your help. This column was planned to
simply run for three months, but it has been such a success that it
is going to continue past its planned run. We still have plenty of
material to cover including typography, scanning, hints and tips,
and lots of software reviews.
What is needed from you, the readers, is an indication of where
you would like the series to go. Please answer as many of the
following questions as you can and send your replies to me via
email to ledsurvey@zerovis.com
About you
- What is your level of interest in design?
- Just a reader
- I do a bit of light design work
- I want to be a designer
- I am a designer
- I have no interest
- What do you design?
- Nothing
- Web sites
- Print (flyers, business cards, letterheads etc.)
- Publications (newspapers, magazines)
- Long documents (books, manuals)
- Other (please specify)
- What is your level of design education?
- None
- School/night classes
- College/university
- Postgraduate/Masters/Doctorate
- About your computers (choose all that apply)
- Compact Mac (Black and white)
- 68K Mac (inc. Color Classic)
- Pre-G3 Power Mac
- G3/G4 running Mac OS 8 or 9
- G3/G4/G5 running Mac OS X
- Windows PC
- Linux PC
- Mac running Linux
- SGI/Sun/NeXT or other exotic workstation
About the series
- What aspect of the Low End Designer do you find most
- None. It bores me.
- The software reviews
- The hints and tips
- The proposed practical guides to typography, color usage and
- I would like to see moreÖ (choose all that apply)
- Reviews
- Commentary and opinion
- Design criticism
- Practical tips for good design
- Practical tips for getting the most out of older hardware and
- None. Please stop.
- Please make any comments on the series.
Thanks to everyone who's read the series so far, and
particularly to those who've emailed me about it.
Letters sent may be published at our discretion. Email addresses
will not be published unless requested. If you prefer that your
message not be published, mark it "not for publication." Letters
may be edited for length, context, and to match house style.
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Jason Walsh is a journalist and designer living in Ireland who has worked in design for several newspaper groups, including Mirror Group Newspapers. Walsh was art director at Gorgeous, a women's lifestyle glossy, and the East Belfast Observer, a weekly local paper.
Today's Links
- Mac of the Day: Color Classic, introduced 1993.02.01. A cult classic, this was the compact Mac with color that everyone had been waiting for.
- Support Low End Mac
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