Low End Mac Editorial Archive
September to December 2000
- Picking a portable Mac, Adam Robert Guha, Apple Archive, 2000.12.29. PowerBook or iBook, which is right for you?
- The thin iMac, Dan Knight, iMac Musings, 2000.12.29. A stripped iMac could be Apple's big step into the thin client/application server market.
- Ten uses for a webcam, Jeff Adkins, Mac Lab Report, 2000.12.28. Practical ways to use a webcam in the science classroom.
- Low End Mac 2000, a look back, Dan Knight, Mac Musings, 2000.12.28. A look back at our busiest year yet.
- Archive: P1 rumors, PowerBook survey, Lombard, and more, Charles W. Moore, Miscellaneous Ramblings, 6/18/99. Also reviews, ramBunctious, rednecks, and reader feedback.
- Macintosh 2000 redux, Dan Knight, Mac Musings, 2000.12.27. A look back at Henry Bortman's predictions from early 1992.
- Two steps back, one step forward, Stephen Van Esch, Mac Scope, 2000.12.27. Many investors are looking for another iMac-sized success before they get bullish on AAPL again.
- Please, no CubeBook!, Dan Knight & Anne Onymus, RumorLog, 2000.12.22. If Apple can't find the Cube's market, what makes anyone think a PowerBook equivalent will find a market?
- Why give a Mac?, Adam Robert Guha, Apple Archive, 2000.12.22. If you're giving someone a computer, here's why it should be a Mac instead of a Windows PC.
- Buying a newer Mac, Evan Kleiman, Mac Daniel, 2000.12.22. How to buy a used, refurbished, or new Mac to replace your old one.
- Archive: PowerBooks and the professional photographer, Charles W Moore, Miscellaneous Ramblings, 6/11/99. The pros and cons of PowerBooks for professional photographers.
- Up, up, and beleaguered?, Dan Knight, Mac Musings, 2000.12.21. Sales are up, margin is good, but the stock is down and Apple is losing money. What's up with that?
- Inserting pictures, graphs, and data tables into AppleWorks, Jeff Adkins, Mac Lab Report, 2000.12.21. How to cut-and-paste graphics and create tables in ClarisWorks and AppleWorks.
- Using Logger Pro for experiments, Jeff Adkins, Mac Lab Report, 2000.12.21. Logger Pro makes and records measurements made by electronic probes.
- Team 6100 reaches 146 units, SETIonMac, 2000.12.20. Slow but steady may not win an prizes for speed, but these old Macs are helping out the SETI@home project.
- OS X: Take the bitter with the better, Stephen Van Esch, Mac Scope, 2000.12.20. "...the critical mass necessary to drive software development is a stark reality that can't be ignored."
- Leaving Wintel behind, Michael Zuhlke, My First Mac, 2000.12.19. From relentless upgrades to a sane, stable PowerBook.
- SuperMac S900 hard drive woes continued, Charles W Moore, Miscellaneous Ramblings, 2000.12.19.
- Apple's G4 vs. G3 plan, Dan Knight & Anne Onymus, RumorLog, 2000.12.18. We question the sources, but believe the idea has merit.
- Is Apple Killing the iMac?, Adam Robert Guha, Apple Archive, 2000.12.15. With so many models, is the iMac going the way of the Performa line?
- My friend's first Mac, Kady Mae, My First Mac, 2000.12.15. Wintel user buys a PowerBook for a friend - and maybe gets hooked herself.
- Archive: iBook, speed bumps, DVD, memory, more, Charles W Moore, Miscellaneous Ramblings, 6/4/99. Also hard drives, flaming batteries, faster CD-ROM, and iCab.
- LinuxPPC Chronicles, Part 1: Installing LinuxPPC 2000, Eric DeStefano, Mac Metamorphosis, 2000.12.14. Step-by-step instructions for getting LinuxPPC running on your Mac.
- Digital data gathering, Jeff Adkins, Mac Lab Report, 2000.12.14. The difference between analog and digital data, and how the computer gathers information.
- Battery Amnesia, Chris Lawson and Dan Knight, Classic Mac Wares, 2000.12.14. Shareware utility rejuvenates old PowerBook batteries.
- Burning CDs, Evan Kleiman, Mac Daniel, 2000.12.13. Apple may not currently offer a recordable CD option, but you can burn CDs from your Mac with the right hardware.
- Mac board swap, Al Miner, My Turn, 2000.12.13. How to mix-n-match Mac motherboards and cases.
- Power Mac G5/10G, Anne Onymus, Rumor Mill, 2000.12.13. Thanks to IBM breakthrough, Apple will soar past the GHz mark.
- Team 6100 hits 144 units, SETIonMac, 2000.12.11. Seven Mac users with Apple's slowest Power Mac have put 1.38 years into SETI@home since May.
- The wonderful PowerBook 100, Heather Anne Hurd, My Turn, 2000.12.11. A look at the still stylish, still useful, sleek, and highly inspiring PowerBook 100!
- Random reflections on OS X, Chris Lawson, Tech Reflections, 2000.12.11. Some thoughts on the differences in using OS X compared with the traditional Mac OS.
- Enough memory, Adam Robert Guha, Apple Archive, 2000.12.08. More memory not only lets you run more programs, it also makes PowerPC models faster.
- Classic Mac games updated, Brian Rumsey, Low End Mac Gaming, 2000.12.08. Old favorites such as Quake, Shadow Warrior, Duke Nukem, Marathon, and others have been updated with better than ever 3D performance.
- Some old dogs already know the new tricks, J.S. Garrison, My Turn, 2000.12.08. Internet appliances are nothing new; the old "compact Macs" did that and more over a decade ago.
- Back in the toilet, Stephen Van Esch, Mac Scope, 2000.12.07. Apple stock has really tanked. What's it going to take to get the company out of the toilet?
- Using the Internet in the science classroom, Jeff Adkins, Mac Lab Report, 2000.12.07. How to use the Internet in the classroom.
- Picking a Mac for school, Andrew Hill, My Turn, 2000.12.06. Picking the right Mac for college.
- The "Mercury" PowerBook, Dan Knight & Anne Onymus, RumorLog, 2000.12.06. What can we really expect from the next PowerBook?
- Why We Fight, Jeff Adkins, My Turn, 2000.12.05. "The reason the fight continues . . . is that we want to reassure ourselves we made a wise investment."
- Getting organized on your Mac, Evan Kleiman, Mac Daniel, 2000.12.05. With a little extra software, the Mac can help you get and stay organized.
- Inside Your Mac, Scott Atkinson, My Turn, 2000.12.04. Two books the Mac owner should know about: How the Mac Works and Upgrading and Fixing Macs and iMacs for Dummies.
- Extensions Strip, Chris Lawson, Classic Mac Wares, 2000.12.04. The best Control Strip replacement available for the Mac.
- Archive: OS 8.6 and beyond, Charles Moore, Miscellaneous Ramblings, 5/14/99. A look at then-new OS 8.6, and Apple's plans for 8.7 and OS X.
- Macs for new users, Adam Robert Guha, Apple Archive, 2000.12.01. Helping new users get hooked with the right Mac and software.
- Career options, Eric DeStefano, Mac Metamorphosis, 2000.12.01. Does the future hold a return to IT management? What are the possibilities?
- Everybody wants to use the iMacs, Mari Hersh-Tudor, My Turn, 2000.12.01. "At my daughter's tiny elementary school . . . seems the iMacs are not only 'cool,' but easier to learn."
- Is OS X a Big, Scary, Unknown Beast?, Chris Lawson, Tech Reflections, 2000.12.01. Follow-up to last week's OS X is a big, scary, unknown beast.
- To Internet and beyond, Jeff Adkins, Mac Lab Report, 2000.11.30. Preparing the school computer lab for Internet access.
- First and second Macs, Kirk Lane, My First Mac, 2000.11.30. Mac Classic "not exactly a glorious machine," but LC with color - whoa!
- Color Classic III rumored, Anne Onymus, Rumor Mill, 2000.11.30. Knowing a fanatic audience when it sees one, Apple is updating the Color Classic for the G3 generation.
The Unwasted Vote, Dan Knight's Soapbox, 2000.11.30. How to make every vote count and still assure the winner has a majority.
- The ideal machine for creative writing, Marten van de Kraats, My Turn, 2000.11.29. Hint: It's a Macintosh - but which one?
- SCSI and FireWire Disk Modes, Paulo Rodrigues, Tangerine Fusion, 2000.11.29. How to use SCSI Disk Mode and FireWire Target Disk Mode for ultrafast file transfers.
Reforming the Voting Process, Dan Knight's Soapbox, 2000.11.29. We need to improve the voting process to minimize spoiled and miscast votes.
- Mac OS 9 vs. 9.0.4: Reader feedback on OS stability, Charles W Moore, Miscellaneous Ramblings, 2000.11.28. Mac OS 9.0.4 seems to be wonderfully stable for some, a disaster for others.
- QuadServer: 605 vs. 650, Online Tech Journal, 2000.11.28. Which is the better server for a small network, Quadra 605 or Quarda 650 - and why?
Reforming the Electoral College, Dan Knight's Soapbox, 2000.11.28. Until we can abolish the Electoral College, here's how it can be improved.
- The OS X interface, John Cristie, My Turn, 2000.11.27. Aqua simplifies the Mac interface, encouraging exploration.
The national vote, Dan Knight's Soapbox, 2000.11.27. First in a series on election reform: Why we should abolish the Electoral College.
- Looking at the iMac, Adam Robert Guha, Apple Archive, 2000.11.24. Although some consider all Macs toys, the iMac is a friendly, powerful, colorful, and affordable computer.
- Archive: A Year with WallStreet, Charles Moore, 5/7/99. Anniversary of the WallStreet PowerBook on the eve of Lombard's introduction.
- Humor: New navigation system, Low End Mac. Inspired by the butterfly ballot of Palm Beach County, Florida, and Amazon.com.
- Leveraging AppleDesign, Stephen Van Esch, Mac Scope, 2000.11.22. What if Apple though different about their unique designs and licensed them instead of suing imitators?
- The Next Generation, Jeff Adkins, Mac Lab Report, 2000.11.22. Upgrading the computer lab from 68k Macs to Power Macs.
- Converting a Quadra 630 into a Power Mac 5200, Jeff Adkins, Mac Lab Report, 2000.11.22. This upgrade is almost too easy.
- AOL Instant Messenger, Chris Lawson, Classic Mac Wares, 2000.11.22. AIM has become an indispensible part of an Internet user's toolbox.
- OS X is a big, scary, unknown beast, Chris Lawson, Tech Reflections, 2000.11.21. "Why does OS X scare me? Probably most importantly, it's still very unfamiliar."
- Adventures in OS upgrades, downgrades, Charles W Moore, Miscellaneous Ramblings, 2000.11.21. Mac OS 9.0 was incredibly stable, but the 9.0.4 upgrade ruined all that.
- AltiVec vs. Pentium III, Dan Knight, Online Tech Journal, 2000.11.21. Don Granberry of ZDNet uses bad math in claiming a 2.6 GHz PIII matches a G4/500 for certain functions. We correct it.
- Mac Dreams, Niran Sabanathan, My First Mac, 2000.11.20. "After seventeen years of disdainful PC use, I was tired. I was tired of 'The Blue Screen of Death' every three or four hours...."
- Low End Mac List Digest, a sad tale of Color Computer destruction and an encouraging tale of a PC user learning to love the Mac.
- Dell ads on Low End Mac?, Dan Knight, Mac Musings, 2000.11.18.
- Looking at OS X through Windows, Adam Robert Guha, Apple Archive, 2000.11.17. How does OS X (beta) compare with Windows 2000?
- MenuChoice 2.1, Dan Knight, Classic Mac Wares, 2000.11.17. Many users still consider this five-year-old shareware superior to Apple Menu Options.
- One to many: Building a computer lab from scratch, Jeff Adkins, Mac Lab Report, 2000.11.16. Creating a computer lab from donations and castoffs. Also, notes on Macs in the research lab.
- Standards needed, Dan Knight, Mac Musings, 2000.11.16. We need new standards that allow computers and users to share information more easily.
- The top ten Macs, Dan Knight, Mac Musings, 2000.11.15. Our pick of the ten most significant Macs.
- Preview: New Centurions, Brian Rumsey, Low End Mac Gaming, 2000.11.15. New game from the makers of Realms promises good gameplay and support for oldest color Macs.
- Older Mac, newer SCSI, Michel Munger, Mac Daniel, 2000.11.15. How can you use newer SCSI devices with 50- or 68- pin connectors with older Macs?
- The easy computer, Al Miner, My First Mac, 2000.11.14. "Nothing in my experience had prepared me for a computer that was easy."
- Rumor? Macs to have Intel Inside, Anne Onymus, The Rumor Mill, 2000.11.14. Motorola is selling out to Intel, who will quickly produce a 1.4 GHz G4. Really.
- SuperMac, Seagate, and USB, Charles Moore, Miscellaneous Ramblings, 2000.11.13. Hard drive nightmares, but a new USB card installs like a dream.
- Low End Mac List Digest, Some of the news unfit to print elsewhere on the Web.
- Picking a low-end colour PowerBook, Adam Robert Guha, Apple Archive, 2000.11.10. If you want color and portability, but don't need PowerPC speed, here are your options.
- Archive: iBook? eBook? Whither Lombard?, Charles W Moore, Miscellaneous Rambings, 4/30/99. We've seen Lombard and the iBook, but no thin/light PowerBook yet.
- Apple abandoned innovation, Stephen Van Esch, Mac Scope, 2000.11.09. Truth be told, Apple is no longer the innovative company it once was.
- Mac vs. PC in the science lab, Jeff Adkins, Mac Lab Report, 2000.11.09. Most of all, you want a computer. Given a choice, you want it to be a Mac. Includes appendix: Your standard Mac vs. PC flame war.
- OS X dooms Apple, Scott Atkinson, My Turn, 2000.11.08. Apple should learn from IBM's OS/2 mistakes and Microsoft's Win95 successes.
- Free Internet access for Mac users, Evan Kleiman, 2000.11.08. There are more free Internet options for Mac users than ever before.
- PowerBook Lite Dreams, Paulo Rodrigues, Tangerine Fusion, 2000.11.07. Why a sub-PowerBook could be Apple's hottest product yet.
- Our first Macs, Mike Masino, My First Mac, 2000.11.07. "My first Mac was really my roommate's first Mac...."
- Hands On: Griffin NE Mic, Charles Moore, Miscellaneous Ramblings, 2000.11.06. Does Griffin's NE Mic adapter deliver satisfactory audio input using cheap PC Mics?
Vote Different, Dan Knight's Soapbox, 2000.11.06. There are a lot more options the Bush and Gore. Maybe a third party candidate better matches your views.
- Low End Mac List Digest, humorous excerpts from recent lists.
- Is it worth putting a G3 in an older Mac?, Adam Robert Guha, Apple Archive, 2000.11.03. As always, it depends, but sometimes a used Power Mac G3 is the better value.
- AirPort beats wires, Eric DeStefano, Mac Metamorphosis, 2000.11.03. Until now, wired networks were easier than wireless. AirPort changed all that.
- Unsupported memory, Michel Munger, Mac Daniel, 2000.11.03. Is it safe and smart to use "unsupported" memory in my computer?
- Computers in the science classroom, Jeff Adkins, Mac Lab Report, 2000.11.02. Six ideas for using a computer in the science classroom.
- Time for a New iMac, Dan Knight, iMac Channel, 2000.11.02. The iMac is an unqualified success, but it's time for a change.
- Napster and music buying, Dan Knight, Mac Musings, 2000.11.01. Study show Napster use decreases music purchases - or does it?
- Mac users are different, Dan Knight, Mac Musings, 2000.11.01. "It takes strength of character to take the road less traveled...."
- Free Internet access for Mac users, Evan Kleiman, Mac Daniel, 2000.11.01. Yes, it is possible to obtain free Internet access on the Mac.
- Put a PC monitor on your Mac, Adam Robert Guha, Apple Archive, 2000.10.31. Almost every Mac can work with a PC monitor, although it may need a little help.
- Rocket Science 101, b.b., My Turn, 2000.10.30. The Radius Rocket was more than a simple '040 accelerator - it was a Quadra 950 on a card!
- Archive: Is Video CD a real alternative to DVD?, Dan Knight, 5/25/00. Can movies on CD compete with more costly DVDs?
- The ultimate Mac, Jeff Adkins, Mac Lab Report, 2000.10.27. Ten improvements that could make the iMac a PC-killer.
- Is my software legal?, Dan Knight, Mac Daniel, 2000.10.27. If you buy a used computer with software installed, do you own the software?
- Mac Home School email list, Low End Mac, 2000.10.26. Our newest list is for home schoolers who also use Macs.
- The World Wide Intercom, John C. Foster, My Turn, 2000.10.26. "The one interest that transcends language, social status, and background is the vibrant desire to learn about computers and the Internet."
- The growing Microsoft empire, Stephen Van Esch, Mac Scope, 2000.10.25. Sucking up Corel is just another step in Microsoft's plan for .NET domination.
- Newer Macs, less costly RAM, Dan Knight, Mac Musings, 2000.10.25. The difference in RAM prices for newer and older Macs is shocking.
- Bring Back the Desktop Mac, Adam Robert Guha, Apple Archive, 2000.10.24. To increase market share, Apple needs to rediscover the desktop computer.
- Archive: New PowerBooks: Still waiting, Charles W Moore, Miscellaneous Ramblings, 4/23/99. Just a few weeks before Lombard, Apple had some great deals on Wall Street PowerBooks.
- Upgrade a SuperMac to Mac OS 9, Michel Munger, Mac Daniel, 2000.10.23. Today I put my money where my mouth is - I invested in Apple stock.
- Macs in a class of their own, Greg N. Weinstein, My First Mac, 2000.10.23. "At work I have to use a PC, and I don't enjoy it."
- A closer look at Apple's financials, Dan Knight, Mac Musings, 2000.10.21. Don't panic. Look at the breakdown of unit sales and be impressed.
- Upgrading the Beige G3, Adam Robert Guha, Apple Archive, 2000.10.20. Just three years old, but sluggish with OS 9 and X. What should the beige G3 owner do?
- What is the Cube?, Dan Knight, Mac Musings, 2000.10.20. It's gorgeous - and universally seen as overpriced. What is the Cube, and how can Apple market it effectively?
- Upgraded Power Mac 7200, StarMax 3000, or iMac: Which is the best value?, Charles W Moore, Miscellaneous Ramblings, 2000.10.19. Value and expansion comparison of current iMacs with build-to-order alternatives.
- Getting an older Mac on the Net, Evan Kleiman, Mac Daniel, 2000.10.19. Yes, you can get just about any Mac ever made on the Internet.
- Owning AAPL, Dan Knight, Mac Musings, 2000.10.18. Today I put my money where my mouth is - I invested in Apple stock.
- Macs are home computers, Dan Knight, iMac Channel, 2000.10.18. Not that it isn't a good business machine, but recent evidence points to the Mac as a great home computer.
- Sold on Mac for ten years, Melvin Ah Ching, My First Mac, 2000.10.16. "The difference between the PC and Mac class was about as different as night is to day. The Macs were friendly and extremely easy to learn and use."
- Miscellaneous Musings, Dan Knight, Mac Musings, 2000.10.16. Follow-up on the new G3, Express.com vs. Something Awful, and AT&T's income enhancement plan.
- The OS X on Alpha Project, Anne Onymus, Rumor Mill, 2000.10.16. Whether you believe Motorola can actually ship a 1 GHz processor in the near future, Apple isn't betting on it.
- Tradeoffs for OS X Beta, Eric DeStefano, Mac Metamorphosis, 2000.10.13. Even if your computer is compatible with OS X Beta, what if your keyboard, video card, and AirPort aren't?
- The future of low-end gaming, Brian Rumsey, Low End Mac Gaming, 2000.10.12. Interviews with three game developers on future support for older Macs.
- Archive: PowerBook triple-threat, Charles Moore, Miscellaneous Ramblings, 4/16/99. Speculation on Lombard, iBook, and lightweight PowerBook.
- Bring back beige, Stephen Van Esch, Mac Scope, 2000.10.11. Instead of porting OS X to Intel, how about an inexpensive beige Mac that ships with the real OS X?
- Something Awful & Express.com, Dan Knight, Mac Musings, 2000.10.11. Gamefan and Express.com have taken advantage of several sites; here's how netizens can take a stand.
- AT&T proposes extortion, Dan Knight, Mac Musings, 2000.10.11. AT&T proposal to charge online retailers for visits and purchases over AT&T Internet Services is nothing less than extortion.
- I Love My iBook, but I Miss My SE, John T. Moltz, My First Mac, 2000.10.10.
- Hands on the FireWire iBook, Dan Knight, The 'Book Page, 2000.10.09. My wife needed to replace her dead PowerBook. I wanted to benchmark the PowerPC 750CX.
- The truth about the new G3, Dan Knight, Online Tech Journal, 2000.10.09. "I have to admit to feeling a bit cheated after running 5 on my wife's new indigo iBook."
- Software Review: Tex-Edit Enhancer, Charles Moore, Miscellaneous Ramblings, 2000.10.09. "Tex-Edit Enhancer is a shareware add-on that provides Tex-Edit or Tex-Edit Plus with a Tool Bar for quick, single-click access to many of Tex-Edit's features."
- Advice about PDS Power Macs, Adam Robert Guha, Apple Archive, 2000.10.06. Addressing the shortcomings of the x200 series.
- Letters on "Rescuing the Cube," Mac Musings, 2000.10.06. Feedback has been overwhelming in favor of less costly Cubes. Let's hope Steve is listening.
- How to rescue the Cube, Dan Knight, Mac Musings, 2000.10.05. The Cube is cool and costly. Here's how Apple can address the price issue.
- Getting started with ResEdit, Evan Kleiman, Mac Daniel, 2000.10.05. Most Mac users have heard of ResEdit. This article explains how to ResEdit it to change your system.
- My first Mac was the first Mac, Jonathan Fletcher, My First Mac, 2000.10.04. "In 1985, I bought a Macintosh 128K from a friend who couldn't grasp the potential of this little miracle...."
- Gemini PowerBook will be hot, Anne Onymus, Rumor Mill, 2000.10.04. Faster than a speeding G3, able to apply multiple processors to a single task, it could be Apple's hottest PowerBook yet.
- My Mac Plus, Dan Knight, Mac Musings, 2000.10.03. "We all get nostalgic about certain things. For some, it's the first car. And sometimes, it's the first Macintosh."
- Is a 2400 bps modem worth keeping?, Manuel Mejia Jr, 2000.10.03. In the age of the Web, is there any reason not to replace an old, slow modem?
- Improving OS X, David Getzin, My Turn, 2000.10.03. A beta testers suggestions for replacing the Apple Menu and Control Strip.
- Blame the Cube?, Dan Knight, Mac Musings, 2000.10.02. Apple stock tanked on Friday. People quickly pointed fingers at the Cube. But should we really blame the computer?
- Will Apple stock tank again?, Stephen Van Esch, Mac Scope, 2000.10.02. Written over a year ago, it suggests, "investors will quite willingly pummel Apple stock at the first sign of weakness."
- New: Mac software resource page, Low End Mac, 2000.09.30. Older system software, select downloads, our favorites, and links to other online Mac software resources.
- I've seen the future, and it is Aqua, Kel Taylor, Mac to the Future, 2000.09.29. Hands on with Mac OS X beta - love at first byte!
- PDS Power Macs: Road Apples?, Adam Robert Guha, Apple Archive, 2000.09.29. These Macs aren't bad, just limited. Here's how to make the most of them.
- Wanted: PowerBook Lite, Dan Knight, The 'Book Page, 2000.09.29. Apple has successfully sold small, light laptops in the past. What about the present?
- Why I love Quads, Greta Heinse, My Turn, 2000.09.28. "This particular Mac had been designed by Apple to do any number of things, but flying wasn't one of them. Neither was landing."
- Moving to Mac OS 9, Dan Knight, Mac Musings, 2000.09.28. Until now, we haven't had a reason to install Mac OS 9. Now that we have, we find it very solid.
- The SuperMac S900 Letters, Charles Moore, Miscellaneous Ramblings, 2000.09.28. Tips on dealing with slow startups and computer noise.
- The Mac user's blind spot, Stephen Van Esch, 2000.09.27. At $30 a copy, about 100,000 of us are willing to pay Apple so we can beta test their new OS. Logical?
- The One-Year Metamorphosis, Eric DeStefano, Mac Metamorphosis, 2000.09.27. One year ago DeStefano confessed he wanted to move into the Mac arena and launched Mac Metamorphosis.
- The best new Mac, Michel Munger, Mac Daniel, 2000.09.27. What is the best new Mac you can buy?
- PC techie finds Macs great, Luc Delorme, My First Mac, 2000.09.26. An avid PC user and techie learns to love the Mac.
- Wind-X: Windows for OS X, Anne Onymus, The Rumor Mill, 2000.09.26. Has Microsoft really pulled Windows for PowerPC out of mothballs? If so, why?
- Personalize your Mac's look & feel, Evan Kleiman, Mac Daniel, 2000.09.25. Tips on changing the visual appearance of your Mac.
- Tangerine Fusion's Fun Facts: FireWire iBooks, Paulo Rodrigues, Tangerine Fusion, 2000.09.25. Interesting tidbits on the new iBooks.
- Archive: Apple clearing out old PowerBooks, taking 5300 & 190 on trade, Charles W Moore, Miscellaneous Ramblings, 4/9/99. Even back in '99 Apple wanted to get those 5300s and 190s out of circulation.
- Stinky Cigars & Brandy, Cozmo, Cozmo's Email, 2000.09.22. The after dinner portion of Cozmo's virtual dinner party.
- Internet Grandma, John C. Foster, My Turn, 2000.09.22. You'll laugh out loud as John Foster explains how he helped his 70-year-old mother get on the Internet.
- Choosing a monitor for your Mac, Adam Robert Guha, Apple Archive, 2000.09.22. There are a lot of factors involved in choosing the right monitor for your Macintosh.
- The Instant Messenger War, Dan Knight, Mac Musings, 2000.09.21. The reason Microsoft wants access to AOL Instant Messenger users - and the reason AOL doesn't want them to have it.
- What about that new 7200 upgrade?, Michel Munger, Mac Daniel, 2000.09.20. Sonnet has a G3 upgrade for the 7200, but is it a good value?
- Apple, Chiat/Day, and rumors, Dan Knight and Anne Onymus, RumorLog, 2000.09.20. "Just to insure that Apple never tries to exert their influence on our site through ad dollars...."
- Mac Obsession, Heather Anne Hurd, My First Mac, 2000.09.19. "I decided it was time to "take the plunge" and get a computer in 1997."
- Review: King of Dragon Pass, Brian Rumsey, Low End Mac Gaming, 2000.09.19. King of Dragon Pass is not your average build and conquer type of game.
- Software piracy and the Mac, Eric DeStefano, Mac Metamorphosis, 2000.09.18. A look at copyrighted software illegally posted on the Internet, also known as "warez," from a Mac perspective.
- Macintosh vs. Windows 95, Dan Knight, Mac Musings, 2000.09.16. I ran across a four-year-old memo on my computer at work. It compares the Mac and Win95. Some things never change.
- Archive: No new PowerBooks yet, Charles Moore, Miscellaneous Ramblings, 4/2/99. Posted just weeks before Lombard's release, article also noted Apple was likely to call consumer portable "iBook."
- Picking a PCI Power Mac, Adam Robert Guha, Apple Archive, 2000.09.15. There are a lot of models to pick from, so here's a quick overview.
- The Main Course, Coz, Cozmo's Email, 2000.09.15. Performas, Quadras, modems, file conversion, and a whole lot more.
- New iBooks a Better Value?, Dan Knight, The 'Book Page, 2000.09.14. The new iBooks are better than the old ones, but how do they stack up for value?
- From Small Beginnings, Chris Lawson, My First Mac, 2000.09.14. The love affair with the Mac began with a small SE in 1988 and has grown to include two dozen Macs.
- iBook, 2nd edition. New colors, new processor, FireWire, more speed, lower price.
- IBook SE, 2nd edition. DVD, new color, new processor, FireWire, more speed.
- PowerPC 750CX, the heart of the new iBooks.
- No more speed to give, Stephen Van Esch, Mac Scope, 2000.09.13. Motorola and Apple have run into the MHz wall. Where do we go from here?
- Best Mac for a kid, Evan Kleiman, Mac Daniel, 2000.09.13. Which is the best Mac for a kid? Well, that depends....
- 4x4 Evolution SUV Public Beta, Paulo Rodrigues, 2000.09.13. Hands on with the new cross-platform off road SUV racing game.
- Review: Mac OS in a Nutshell, Scott Atkinson, My Turn, 2000.09.12. A good reference for those with a strong Mac background.
- Smaller than your Palm, Anne Onymus, The Rumor Mill, 2000.09.12. Apple's new PDA borrows some old technology, marries it to the latest, and makes the Palm seem huge.
- More SuperMac S900 adventures, Charles Moore, Miscellaneous Ramblings, 2000.09.11. The S900 is working fine, but still hasn't seen a lot of use.
- Building a Back-to-School Bundle, Adam Robert Guha, Apple Archive, 2000.09.08. Sometimes the best computer bundle is one you create yourself.
- Salad, Cozmo, Cozmo's Email, 2000.09.08. A second serving of Cozmo's email, including musings on Apple IIs.
- Tips from the Mac manager, Dan Knight, Mac Musings, 2000.09.07. Disaster can strike at any time. How we recovered when our server crashed and crashed and crashed.
- Getting a Mac job, Julie Fugett, Mac Daniel, 2000.09.07. Julie works full-time supporting Macs. Here's her good advice for those who'd love to work with computers for a living.
- Setting up a server, Maxwell Martin Cabral, My Turn, 2000.09.06. It's not hard to set up an older Mac as a networked file server.
- It wasn't even a Mac, Gregg Eshelman, My First Mac, 2000.09.05. The vMac emulator hooked him on the Mac.
- hors d'oeuvres, Cozmo, Cozmo's Email, 2000.09.01. Our latest columnist, Cozmo (not Kramer) shares interesting tidbits from his email.
- Making the most of the LC, Adam Robert Guha, Apple Archive, 2000.09.01. Although old and slow, the LC and LC II have practical upgrade potential.
- Speeding up an old iMac, Evan Kleiman, Mac Daniel, 2000.09.01. There are several ways to make an old drawer-loading iMac work faster.
Editorial Archives
2009 Dec., Nov.,
Oct., Sept., Aug., July, June, May, Apr., Mar., Feb., Jan.
2008 Dec., Nov.,
Oct., Sept., Aug., July, June, May, Apr., Mar., Feb., Jan.
2007 Dec., Nov.,
Oct., Sept., Aug., July, June, May, Apr., Mar., Feb., Jan.
2006 Dec., Nov.,
Oct., Sept., Aug., July, June, May, Apr., Mar., Feb., Jan.
2005 Dec., Nov.,
Oct., Sept., Aug., July, June, May, Apr., Mar., Feb., Jan.
2004 Dec., Nov.,
Oct., Sept., Aug., July, June, May, Apr., Mar., Feb., Jan.
2003 Dec., Nov.,
Oct., Sept., Aug., July, June, May, Apr., Mar., Feb., Jan.
2002 Dec., Nov.,
Oct., Sept., Aug., July, June, May, Apr., Mar., Feb., Jan.
2001 Nov.-Dec., Sept.-Oct, July-Aug.,
April-June, Jan.-Mar.
2000 Sept.-Dec., May-Aug., Jan.-March
1999 July-Dec., Jan.-June, 1998,