Mac Musings
Mac Musings Archive - 2000
- The thin iMac, iMac Musings, 12.29. A stripped iMac could be Apple's big step into the thin client/application server market.
- Low End Mac 2000, a look back, 12.28. A look back at our busiest year yet.
- Macintosh 2000 redux, 12.27. A look back at Henry Bortman's predictions from early 1992.
- Please, no CubeBook!, Dan Knight & Anne Onymus, RumorLog, 12.22. If Apple can't find the Cube's market, what makes anyone think a PowerBook equivalent will find a market?
- Up, up, and beleaguered?, 12.21. Sales are up, margin is good, but the stock is down and Apple is losing money. What's up with that?
- Apple's G4 vs. G3 plan, Dan Knight & Anne Onymus, RumorLog, 12.18. We question the sources, but believe the idea has merit.
The Unwasted Vote, Dan Knight's Soapbox, 11.30. How to make every vote count and still assure the winner has a majority.
Reforming the Voting Process, Dan Knight's Soapbox, 11.29. We need to improve the voting process to minimize spoiled and miscast votes.
Reforming the Electoral College, Dan Knight's Soapbox, 11.28. Until we can abolish the Electoral College, here's how it can be improved.
The national vote, Dan Knight's Soapbox, 11.27. First in a series on election reform: Why we should abolish the Electoral College.
- Dell ads on Low End Mac?, 11.18.
- MenuChoice 02.1, Mac Wares, 11.17. Many users still consider this five-year-old shareware superior to Apple Menu Options.
- Standards needed, 11.16. We need new standards that allow computers and users to share information more easily.
- The top ten Macs, 11.15. Our pick of the ten most significant Macs.
- Time for a New iMac, iMac Channel, 11.02. The iMac is an unqualified success, but it's time for a change.
- Napster and music buying, 11.01. Study show Napster use decreases music purchases - or does it?
- Mac users are different, 11.01. "It takes strength of character to take the road less traveled...."
- Is my software legal?, Mac Daniel, 10.27. If you buy a used computer with software installed, do you own the software?
- Newer Macs, less costly RAM, 10.25. The difference in RAM prices for newer and older Macs is shocking.
- A closer look at Apple's financials, 10.21. Don't panic. Look at the breakdown of unit sales and be impressed.
- What is the Cube?, 10.20. It's gorgeous - and universally seen as overpriced. What is the Cube, and how can Apple market it effectively?
- Owning AAPL, 10.18. Today I put my money where my mouth is - I invested in Apple stock.
- Miscellaneous Musings, 10.16. Follow-up on the new G3, vs. Something Awful, and AT&T's income enhancement plan.
- Something Awful &, 10.11. Gamefan and have taken advantage of several sites; here's how netizens can take a stand.
- AT&T proposes extortion, 10.11. AT&T proposal to charge online retailers for visits and purchases over AT&T Internet Services is nothing less than extortion.
- Hands on the FireWire iBook, The 'Book Page, 10.09. My wife needed to replace her dead PowerBook. I wanted to benchmark the PowerPC 750CX.
- The truth about the new G3, Online Tech Journal, 10.09. "I have to admit to feeling a bit cheated after running 5 on my wife's new indigo iBook."
- Letters on "Rescuing the Cube," 10.06. Feedback has been overwhelming in favor of less costly Cubes. Let's hope Steve is listening.
- How to rescue the Cube, 10.05. The Cube is cool and costly. Here's how Apple can address the price issue.
- My Mac Plus, 10.03. "We all get nostalgic about certain things. For some, it's the first car. And sometimes, it's the first Macintosh."
- Blame the Cube?, Dan Knight, Mac Musings, 10.02. Apple stock tanked on Friday. People quickly pointed fingers at the Cube. But should we really blame the computer?
- Will Apple stock tank again?, Stephen Van Esch, Mac Scope, 10.02. Written over a year ago, it suggests, "investors will quite willingly pummel Apple stock at the first sign of weakness."
- Wanted: PowerBook Lite, The 'Book Page, 09.29. Apple has successfully sold small, light laptops in the past. What about the present?
- Moving to Mac OS 9, 09.28. Until now, we haven't had a reason to install Mac OS 9. Now that we have, we find it very solid.
- The Instant Messenger War, 09.21. The reason Microsoft wants access to AOL Instant Messenger users - and the reason AOL doesn't want them to have it.
- Apple, Chiat/Day, and rumors, Dan Knight and Anne Onymus, RumorLog, 09.20. "Just to insure that Apple never tries to exert their influence on our site through ad dollars...."
- Macintosh vs. Windows 95, 09.16. I ran across a four-year-old memo on my computer at work. It compares the Mac and Win95. Some things never change.
- New iBooks a Better Value?, 9/14. The new iBooks are better than the old ones, but how do they stack up for value?
- PowerPC 750CX, the heart of the new iBooks.
- Tips from the Mac manager, 09.07. Disaster can strike at any time. How we recovered when our server crashed and crashed and crashed.
- When to buy new, 08.21. The publisher of Low End Mac admits that it sometimes makes more sense to get a new computer then keep upgrading an old one.
- Browse different, 08.18. One way browsers could improve the Web surfing experience.
- Happy 2nd Birthday, iMac!, Dan Knight, iMac Channel, 08.16. "The iMac has redefined the industry and redefined Apple as a trendsetter."
- The new Macs in business, 08.14. The impact of the new Macs on one Mac-using business.
- Big Apple changes acomin', 08.10. "With Apple driving the change, we can only hope it also brings us into a new comfort zone that fits as well as the current one."
- My perfect PowerBook, Dan Knight, The 'Book Page, 08.08. A history of portables and list of features in the "perfect" PowerBook.
- Moving our lists, 08.03. We've moved our family of email list to a new server - here's why.
- Trends at Macworld, 07.26. Optical mice, small mice, specialty keyboard, FireWire, AirPort, and more.
- Missing from Macworld, 7/25. The items not seen or not available for purchase as Macworld Expo.
- Apple strongarms Mac Junkie, 07.24. Thanks to Apple legal, an inept ISP completely wiped Mac Junkie - right after the Expo keynote!
- More Macworld reflections, 07.24. A look back at the show.
- Macworld Expo Report #3, Dan Knight, 7/21. A last look at the Expo experience.
- Macworld Expo Report #2, Dan Knight, 7/20. A look at new Expo products not released by Apple.
- Macworld Expo Report #1, Dan Knight, 7/19. Yes, there is a Cube. Also new iMac, Power Macs, mice, and keyboards.
- RumorLog: What at Macworld Expo?, Dan Knight and Anne Onymus, 07.18. Our best guess at which rumors will prove true.
- RumorLog: The Cube?, Dan Knight and Anne Onymus, 07.17. We're not saying Apple will make a cube, but looking at reasons why it might.
- Road trip reflections, Dan Knight, iBook & PowerMac Page, 07.10. Family vacation provides hands-on experience with a PowerBook, Earthlink, and lots more.
- Journalism and the Mac Web, Dan Knight, 06.30. "...the Adobe vs. AppleInsider issue has raised a lot of journalistic questions about a free press, personal responsibility, and journalistic ethics."
- A small Mac victory, Carl, 06.26. Take a Wintel workplace, add one Mac lover, see the Mac get a foothold.
- RumorLog, Dan Knight and Anne Onymus, 06.23. New iBook & PowerBook.
- RumorLog, Dan Knight and Anne Onymus, 06.21. Features we do expect the next iMac to have.
- Observers pass Team User Friendly, Dan Knight, SETIonMac, 06.20. We've been trying to catch them for over five weeks. Now 15th place is ours.
- Reading your web log, Dan Knight, Online Tech Journal, 06.20. "As a webmaster, you probably know a lot about the content of your site. Web logs let you know how that content is being accessed."
- Web publishing ethics, Dan Knight, 06.19. "Can we maintain our high standards of freedom on the truly international Web, or will we become subject to myriad local laws or United Nations legislation?"
- Should Apple use the new G3?, Dan Knight, 06.16. Apple isn't saying anything about the new PowerPC 750CX. Here's why they should be investigating the new CPU.
- The dark side of cable modems, Dan Knight, 06.13. I loved my cable modem, but now I can hardly wait for an alternative.
- Surfing With Big Fonts, Dan Knight, 06.12. I can't do it. I can't get used to the "industry standard" big font in Internet Explorer 05.
- SETI@home weekly update, SETIonMac, 06.10. Several teams swapping places. Team Mac Observer preparing to move up another step in the ranking.
- The Celeron effect, Dan Knight, 06.08. Thanks to an on-chip L2 cache, Intel's cheap Celeron rivals Pentium III performance. IBM's enhanced G3s may offer similar benefits to the Mac user.
- Is Video CD a real alternative to DVD?, Dan Knight, 05.25. "Video Compact Disc (VCD) lets you watch movies on Macs or PCs that don't have DVD drives."
- Low End Mac gets iReviewed, Dan Knight, 05.24. "Apple 'iReviewed' Low End Mac on May 22, 2000, noting it fills a unique niche and is easy to search."
- Mac Musings: Microsoft vs. Slashdot, Dan Knight, 05.12. What's really going on here? I think I understand what's at stake.
- Getting the most value from your Mac, Dan Knight, Low End Mac. Thanks to David K. Every's article on MacWeek, we've finally come up with a mission statement for LEM.
- Web Content To Go, Dan Knight, Online Tech Journal, 05.08. How to adapt web pages for the handheld computer (Palm, WinCE) user.
- Air Quality: A look at Environmental Illness, Dan Knight's Soapbox, 05.08. Life isn't fair, especially when nice smells can make you sick.
- Beyond four, Dan Knight, 05.03. "The problem is, there are things the current Macs are not designed to do."
- Apple's second quarter, Dan Knight, 04.21. The game's far from over, but the first two quarters have been fantastic.
- Now that's different!, Dan Knight, 04.20. A new one-pound portable PC; how can Apple respond?
- Surfing large, Dan Knight, 04.14. Internet Explorer 5, big screen fonts, and another reason Macs are better.
- A road not taken (by Apple), Scott Atkinson, 04.11. "Unlike Macs, there's nothing here to make you stop and admire the craftsmanship."
- Team Mac Observer dealt major setback, Dan Knight, 04.10. Defection costs team several thousand work units, drops back to #19.
- Low End Mac at three, Dan Knight, 04.10. A look back at Low End Mac's first three years.
- Daylight saving time?, Dan Knight's Soapbox, 04.04. We save energy and increase our evening hours, but at what cost?
- Michigan time: Why Michigan should be in the Central Time Zone, Dan Knight's Soapbox, 04.04.
- Designing a computer room, part 3, Dan Knight, 03.27. "The key is designing the computer desk and office layout that meets your personal needs and fits the available space."
- iMac sites reviewed, Dan Knight, iMac Channel, 03.21. An iMac webmaster looks at other iMac sites.
- More PowerBook & iBook sites, Dan Knight, The 'Book Page, 03.20. A couple more sites and feedback on one from the first review.
- Web Design, Part 3: Cascading Style Sheets, Dan Knight, Online Tech Journal, 03.16. How Cascading Style Sheets control the appearance of a site.
- G4 insignificantly superior to G3, Dan Knight, Online Tech Journal, 01.13. From the hype, you'd think the G4 blew away the G3. Don't believe the hype.
- A look at PowerBook & iBook sites, Dan Knight, The 'Book Page. The half-dozen best PowerBook and iBook sites on the Web.
- Honest speed, Dan Knight, 03.10. Despite all the discussion of cutting edge performance, you can have enough computer speed.
- Finalists chosen in iMac Channel banner contest, 03.09.
- Honesty, Dan Knight, 03.09. Who is to blame for the lack of faster G3 and G4 computers?
- Designing a computer room, part 2, Dan Knight, 03.08. Making your computer, desk, and room work together.
- Web Design, Part 2: Site Organization, Dan Knight, Online Tech Journal, 03.07. "I learned web design and site organization on the fly. One lesson I learned early on is that you don't want to move things around...."
- G4 debacle not all Apple's fault, Dan Knight, 03.04.
- Who is self serving?, Dan Knight, 03.03. Apple is calling Real Networks self serving? If the shoe fits....
- Politics and the Mac web, Dan Knight, 03.01. "I appreciate the readers who wrote to tell me they wouldn't visit Low End Mac again because of my political views."
- Good design, bad design, Dan Knight, 02.29.
- The growing iBook & PowerBook market, Dan Knight, The 'Book Page, 02.25. Apple is well positioned to take advantage of the growing portable market.
- How MacCain won Michigan, Dan Knight, 02.24. Not only how he won, but why it matters for November.
- Web design: Using include files, Dan Knight, Online Tech Journal, 02.24. Low End Mac's webmaster shares tips on efficient site design.
- The Internet is social, Patrick Griffin, 02.21. "I have also studied community development, also from a Web perspective...."
- Colorado vs. spammers, Dan Knight, 02.21. "Any individual in Colorado may sue the sender for $10 per incident...."
- The social Internet, Dan Knight, 02.19. "Rather than fearing the Internet, the Stanford Institute for the Quantitative Study of Society should look at how people interact socially because of the Internet."
- New PowerBook, iBook, Dan Knight, The 'Book Page, 02.17. Are the new iBook and PowerBooks good buys?
- Rumor or speculation?, Dan Knight, 02.15. Why Apple can but won't release Pismo or a faster iMac until the G4.500 is available.
- Home, small network backup solutions, Dan Knight, Online Tech Journal, 02.11.
- Back to the G3, Dan Knight, 02.11. To pass 450 MHz, Apple should go back to the G3.
- The iMac G4?, Dan Knight, iMac Channel, 02.10. The pieces seem to fit together for a 17" iMac G4 this summer.
- Plain old email, Dan Knight, 02.10. "Every day I receive blank email. There's a subject and a sender, but no text. Nothing."
- Think Choices, Dan Knight, 02.09. Apple needs to offer consumers more model choices.
- Feedback on "Killer PowerBook," The 'Book Page, 02.09. Several readers wrote to say that they, too, want PowerBooks with bigger screens.
- Pismo or Graphite iBook?, Dan Knight, The 'Book Page, 02.08. A stunning image of what a future black & graphite portable could look like.
- Wanted: A killer PowerBook, Dan Knight, Low End Mac, 02.07. To replace my desktop, I just want a PowerBook with a screen that shows more.
- Where's the G4.500?, Dan Knight, 01.21. "Remember how Steve Jobs announced the Power Mac G4 on August 31, 1999?"
- The World Wide Web, Dan Knight, 01.20. It's grown to over one billion pages with no end in sight.
- Macintosh 2000 revisited, Dan Knight, 01.19. Eight years ago Henry Bortman guessed what today's Mac would be. Today we're evaluating his predictions.
- Preying on innocents, Dan Knight, 01.17. "Over time, you develop a sense for those you like, those you tolerate, and those you mistrust."
- Skin off Apple's nose, Dan Knight, The iMac Channel, 01.14. "...Apple should be flattered."
- Installing OS 8.1, Online Tech Journal, 01.14. With over two dozen 6100s to update, there had to be a faster way to install the OS.
- PDS, the processor direct slot, Online Tech Journal, 01.13. What is the processor direct slot? And why are there so many different ones?
- iReview reviewed, Dan Knight, 01.12. "Maybe I shouldn't be disappointed that Low End Mac didn't make the cut at iReview. I'm in very good company."
- PowerBook 1400, a good buy, Low End Mac, 01.12. This solid performer even has a G3 upgrade option.
- Unbelievable!, Dan Knight, 01.07. Mac OS Rumors claims to have served over 900,000 pages in twenty-four hours. I don't believe it.
- Egg on my face, Dan Knight, 01.07. I rate my hardware predictions. At least I was right about "something unexpected" and Steve Jobs not leaving.
- The New Apple, Dan Knight, 01.06. By not showcasing hardware, Steve Jobs is trying to teach us something important.
- Macworld 2000 Keynote Address Special Report, Mac News Today, 01.05. We couldn't be there, but caught it through the miracle of QuickTime 04.
- Macworld prediction scorecard, Dan Knight, 01.04. Rate my predictions from late December against the reality of Macworld.
- PowerBook 540c, a best buy, Low End Mac, 01.04. The Blackbird series was Apple's best pre-PPC machine, and the 540c the best value among them.
- 1999 at Low End Mac, Dan Knight, 01.04. The publisher looks back at a very busy year for Low End Mac.
- The Best Macs Ever, Dan Knight, Low End Mac, 01.03. "Apple has a tradition of great computers...."
More Mac Musings in the archive: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010